Hmm. These lists-of-links aren't working so well for me. Does anyone actually read em?
- Biometric sensors in iPhones?
- The dangers of confusing marketing launches with product launches
- Running efficient meetings, some hints from Seth Godin. As the years go by I'm increasingly convinced that little things - like meeting discipline - are deceptively important.
- iPhone - not the only game in town, but a great hook for getting businesses interested in mobile again :)
- Nice graph showing the value of flat-rate data in growing mobile usage;
- Toilet paper manufacturer sponsors mobile directory of public toilets, available as an iPhone app - obviously;
- The Google UX guidelines: "useful, fast, simple, engaging, innovative, universal, profitable, beautiful, trustworthy, and personable";
- Apple introduce a refund policy and get a few folks' backs up;
- I'm really enjoying anything Steve Blank blogs at the moment.
- iPhone app usage drops over time and ad revenue won't cut it (according to App Store Secrets);
- App stores, app stores, app stores. Device vendors will do them, operators will do them, third parties will do them. All of this has happened before, and all of this will happen again.
- What to do if your startup is about to fail;
- Trutap won a Spiffy!
- Smule do it again, with the iPhone Trombone;