links for 2007-10-13

October 13, 2007 | Comments

  • "This on-line service enables developers to remotely test on 2007 phones that are not yet commercially available, maximizing the valuable time window to perfect applications ready for the market launch of a new phone."

links for 2007-10-11

October 11, 2007 | Comments

Scratched out thoughts

October 10, 2007 | Comments

A collection of thoughts and notes from PICNIC which I've just found on my phone:

  • Connecting disparate entirely public sources of information can create privacy concerns (what happens when you can match photos of the inside of my house with photos of the outside?)
  • How long is it before Disney starts suing eidetics?
  • Status is a driver for all sorts of things (including group learning): don't underestimate the Importance of Impressing Gurls;
  • Location based games have high infrastructure costs - very much a problem we're tackling with LocoMatrix: let us take on the infrastructure and leave game developers to come up with fun formats;
  • Linking real world data to games is fun. We want to wire up sharks :)
  • You can encourage a closer relationship with what's geographically around you by tying location in with data - e.g. emotion maps as a route to political engagement, or RFID to relate to cities;

links for 2007-10-10

October 10, 2007 | Comments


October 09, 2007 | Comments

Interesting titbit from a talk by Anton Gauffin of GameLion: SNAP games can be ported to handsets from non-Nokia manufacturers. There's no Nokia-specific stuff in there (though I'd like to know if this is something that will continue into the future). Update: just asked, and yep, it's a standard that's going to be kept across handsets from different manufacturers.