Prototyping touch interfaces

December 22, 2011 | Comments

Something is becoming clear as I do more work on my alarm clock design project (which had its first user test today): prototyping touch UIs that rely on more expressive motions than single touches is tricky. In particular I'm working with direct manipulation of a clock, and want to test single-finger dragging gestures around a dial, and multi-touch gestures to expand or contract the selection of a time period represented on that dial.

It's hard to do this sort of thing on paper: if a gesture like a finger-drag results in a visible change of state (e.g. "click the centre of the wheel and it turns green") then you're shuffling stationary around, which is disruptive if you're trying to see how the interface feels, or testing it with someone else.

It's also hard to do digitally. Looking around, I see people who've had success using Keynote for prototyping on tablets - it seems to offer good fidelity and be fast to work with, but lacks the level of detail I'm wanting to play with. I want to be able to fiddle with the sizes of touch areas, ratios of on-screen motion to finger movement, etc., either to see if it feels good or tweak it until it is.

I've used the iMockups product to play with putting screens together on an iPad, and quite liked it - but again, whilst it's great for chaining screens together it lacks fine-grained control. Perhaps my expectations of what flexibility and control a prototyping tool should offer are out-of-line, and I'm mixing up my fidelities - trying to hi-fi stuff with lo-fi tools.

Nicholas Zambetti's LiveView product looks brilliant for taking digital stuff from a desktop and presenting it on a mobile screen; but I'd still need something at the desktop end which eases the process of putting together touch-responsive interfaces.

Given that I'm at a bit of a dead end, I'm going to try taking a very small part of the interface, mocking it up with actual code (so it works on a real device), and seeing if I can test that. My reasoning being that if I can take the most complicated bits, prototype and test them in isolation, I can produce components which individually perform well, test the transitions in and out of them on paper, and validate the UI that way. At the back of my mind is an idea around recording input from a real user and replaying it against differently sized interaction areas, to find ideal sizes, but that'll be later I think.

Let's see…

Mobile and retail

December 16, 2011 | Comments

…and here's another article I've written for the ladies and gentlemen of Vexed, for their Christmas newsletter. It's a seasonally-themed piece about mobile and retail.

Alarm clock: progress today

December 16, 2011 | Comments

So, today… I wrote up the sketching from last night, and would still love comments from anyone who can spare the time to look through them. In particular I'd like to hear feedback on the detail of it all.

I spent a few hours this afternoon putting together a card-and-paper model of some of the sketches; something which I can put in front of real people next week to test the ideas. I'm not sure how well this is working: maybe I just need a few more screens in there before it'll start to feel worthwhile. I'm worried that some of the interactions I have in mind (e.g. 2-finger pinches) in some spots will be quite tough to model in paper, too. Let's see.

I've also been thinking about the visibility of analogue displays (after getting a bit worried that I'd prematurely rejected the idea of a digital one), and did a little test - taking photos of analogue and digital using my camera phone, from the bedside and end of the bed. Here they are:

Digital display, from the bed Analogue display, from the bed Digital display, from far end of bed Analogue display, from far end of bed

I can't see a bit difference in readability, myself. And I think there's more room for improvement in the analogue clock than in the digital one - in that the white circle around the clock-face distracts from the lettering, and could be made less prominent. So I'm a little bit less worried about going analogue for the UI now…

Alarm clock: first sketches

December 16, 2011 | Comments

Feedback gratefully welcomed!

I spent a few hours yesterday playing on paper with some ideas. Having gone through the survey and looked through academic literature on alarm clocks, I've a set of basic requirements. There's nothing particularly earth-shattering here, in fact they're quite dull:

  1. The product will be an alarm clock application for the iPhone;
  2. Its primary purpose will be to ensure that owners get up in the mornings, at the time they want to;
    1. To support this it will help them set their alarm accurately;
    2. It will also help owners remember to set it in the first place;
    3. It will allow owners to set a repeating alarm;
  3. Its secondary purpose will be to assist its owners in ensuring they get into good sleep habits: enough sleep nightly, without needing to catch up at weekends.

I've identified some principles I'd like the product to embody. I'll list these out first, then explain them in more detail with some illustrative sketches:

  • "Stroking, not poking";
  • Promote mindfulness, rather than dictating;
  • Make use of context;
  • Presume grogginess;
  • Sound is 50% of UI;

I'd love to hear any feedback you have on these, the sketches below or the process; part of the reason I'm posting about this project is to try and replicate the routine of regular presentation and constructive criticism that I've read Pixar have in place. I'm doubly interested if you work day-to-day as a professional designer.

"Stroking, not poking"

Throughout lectures this term, Graham repeatedly brought us back to the idea of emotion in UI, throughout lectures this term, and I have a half-baked theory which relates this to touch user interfaces.

Nass and Reeves show in The Media Equation that "individuals' interactions with computers, televisions and new media are fundamentally social and natural, just like interactions in real life". The same gestures that we use to talk to our touch-screen devices came from our flea-picking monkey-pasts. It seems reasonable to suggest that gestures which ApeMe associates with positive things, like grooming, will engender a more positive emotional response than gestures which ApeMe associates with negative things: like poking. (How often do you poke those you love in real life?)

This is pop science at its worst, I appreciate, and I've been looking around for papers which might confirm or disprove it, without success (anyone know of any?). But in the absence of evidence, I'm going to go with it anyway and see if it works for me.

What this means is that I want the UI of the clock to use languid, flowing gestures throughout most of its use - and stabbing, pokey gestures in places where either (a) the user is feeling negative towards the clock (like, when waking up and trying to turn it off), or (b) as punctuation at the end of an activity: a kind of gestural full-stop.

Stroking, not poking

So, the app uses a large clock-face as its primary UI, and a mental model of multiple clocks laid out horizontally to allow for multiple alarms. On starting the app (bottom right), the user is welcomed and asked to drag down a new clock from just off the top of the screen, at which point (top left) they can set an alarm by dragging a finger around the dial. Perhaps the rate of movement of the alarm hand would vary depending on how close to the centre of the dial their finger is - I'd need to play with that. The only poking motion is the button to turn on the alarm: so the setting-ritual is a sequence of sweeps and a final stab.

To move between clocks, the user drags the whole screen left and right (see top right), to get rid of an alarm they flick it up and off-screen, back where it came from (mid left), and to add an alarm they scroll to the right and drag a new clock down (bottom left).

There's a big assumption here: that I will be using an analogue clock face. Every mobile clock I've seen so far uses a digital display, which makes me suspicious there's something I'm missing here. I know that 76% of survey respondents keep their mobile within arms reach or closer at night, and it should be possible to create a display which is visible enough at that distance, but still…

Promote mindfulness, rather than dictating

Promoting Mindfulness

A secondary aim of this project is to make an alarm clock which helps its owner get the right amount of sleep. I've chosen to do this in a quiet fashion: rather than, say, alerting the user when it's time to go to bed (which might play towards the "alarm clock as tyrant" analogy which surfaced in a couple of papers: Wensveen 2000 and Zimmerman 2009), providing a simple, almost-background visualisation of how much sleep they've had, as measured by the difference between the time of going to bed, and the time they get up.

I'm making the assumption I can measure the former through a combination of signals: what time the alarm is set (many being set as part of the bedtime ritual), when ambient light levels change downwards significantly (using an on-phone light sensor), and when the phone is still (using accelerometer). There may be other signals I could use too.

I've looked at a few different ways of showing your recent sleep history: I'm thinking that yesterday, last week, and last month are the time-frames to look at. The first of these will provide most motivation to fix the "just-broken" (i.e. catch up now on last night); the last two give a longer-term perspective. Good habits over a month could imply the user is in a decent routine. Good habits over a week are worth measuring because they'll provide a bridge between short term and long term measurement: they give the clock a way of rewarding its owner for a few good days.

Visualisations could be done lots of ways - from the generated silhouette-landscape of Dream (mid right) and psychedelic Rainbow (top right) to more boring Bar charts (centre) or just sticking the figures on-screen (Say, bottom left). I suspect that I'll end up going with Say or Bar for the purposes of this project: (a) because the end-result of this will be a mid-fi prototype and not much more and (b) because my graphic design skills are ropey if not non-existent.

Quantifying sleepAnother point at which it's useful to show how much sleep you'll likely get is during the setting of the alarm. Different people say they need different amounts of sleep (respondents to the survey ranged between 4.5 and 10 hours) too, and having a way to configure this in a direct-manipulation fashion without a settings screen would be nice. I hate settings screens, they're a purgatory for decisions that no-one could make.

So: when setting an alarm, show a shaded area to indicate when you ought to go to bed to get your full 8 hours, or whatever (top left): even if you can't get enough today because you're setting your alarm late at night, it'll provide some impetus to sort things out tomorrow. And to say "I need less sleep than that", let the user use two fingers to drag this window smaller (top right).

Finally, after setting the alarm tell the user how much sleep they're going to get (bottom left). This has a double-function: it's an opportunity to congratulate or criticise a sleeping habit, and double-checks that the user isn't setting their alarm to PM when they meant AM, or vice versa.

Make use of context

Use of contextThis is a slightly woollier one: I was looking at a few different things here - mainly the Stuff Outside The Phone - and at this point I started playing with faces: clocks have faces, after all, and if we want to build a positive emotional association with a device it's easy to hate, why not make it more human?

So if it's a person not a thing, perhaps he should notice when the lights go out and visibly go to sleep (top right), or smile when you pick him up (top, middle), or be sad when he didn't manage to wake you - perhaps by being totally ignored or snoozed too many times (bottom right)?

Using a gesture to interact with the clock might be useful, particularly when 50% of the use of the clock will be when its owner is in a groggy state, prone and struggling to focus their eyes - so using the device itself to silence or snooze an alarm might be appropriate (bottom right).

I also started playing with a social idea, but I think it might have taken me towards shoehorning too much into the product. If we know when you've gone to bed, we could tell a server (top, middle). And if a server knows when lots of people have gone to sleep, it could tell all those phones (top right), which could start displaying something quiet and ambient about how many other people are sleeping right now. I think these interactions are viable because they happen when the phone is often plugged in or on home wi-fi, and we can usefully ramp down the check-in times to conserve bandwidth and batter (and don't need to check in at all if the display has been off for a while).

Would this provide any social pressure to sleep properly? Kim, Kientz, Patel and Abowd wrote a paper on BuddyClock, an experimental product they had made to share sleep-state with a limited social network and felt that "social influence on another’s own behaviour indicates that the BuddyClock could be used as a persuasive technology to help others change their negative sleep patterns".

Presume grogginess

Coping with grog

At least half of the time an alarm clock is being used, we know that its owner is confused, prone, and half-asleep; and from the survey I can see that about half of all respondents occasionally forget to set their clock, or mis-set it. What can be done about this?

Obviously the clock face needs to be readable. The button to switch off the alarm should be very visible: in the sketches here, it's also the only button, so there's no choice of where to click. It should (as a friend just pointed out to me in email) always be in the same position, whether the phone is in landscape or portrait "mode": you pick your phone up when you're prone, and having the button move around because the phone thinks you've turned it is just frustrating. The button should draw attention to itself, screaming "me! me!". I think this is also an appropriate time to allow the user to be aggressive and stab the screen of their phone.

What else? We could make an easy snooze gesture from shaking the alarm clock - I can imagine doing this in a frustrated "go away, not now" fashion myself. We can support users in making sure they get up at the right time by telling them the first thing they have planned to do the next day - i.e. by looking in their calendar for their first appointment, and floating it on-screen (mid right). On several occasions I myself have forgotten about an appointment when planning what time I get up, and Landry, Pierce and Isbell talked about such an approach in their paper Supporting routine decision-making with a next-generation alarm clock, though didn't discuss any findings.

Finally, we need to ensure that any alarm set is set to the right time. We could do this by showing the current exact time in the middle of the clock face whilst the user manipulates it (bottom left), or by showing whether it's AM or PM visually (bottom right).

Sound is 50% of the UI.

I've not done any work on this yet, but I think sound has two roles to play:

  1. Obviously in the alarm itself: what's the best kind of sound to be woken up to? What can we do to the sound to engender a sense of urgency. Personally I reckon Polynomial-C by Aphex Twin must be a good candidate for a wake-up time: dreamy and etherial for the first minute with grating synthesisers poking in, then a beat kicking off. More research needed;
  2. What about in the rest of the UI? If we're personifying the alarm, should it make noises when you set it (I always rather liked the gobblegobblegobble noise that Google Voice Search used to make when it was conducting a query)? Would this help in any way?

Phew. Thanks for reading this far. I'd really appreciate any comments or feedback you have on either the thinking or the process - particularly if you work as a designer.

I also need to work out a way of getting posts like this done quicker. I'd like to do more of them, to have more opportunities for feedback… but this has taken about 90 minutes.

Alarm clocks and mobiles: survey results

December 15, 2011 | Comments

So, I have results in from the survey I was running into mobile usage, alarm clocks and sleeping habits. The survey was live for exactly 24 hours and received 186 responses. Here's a summary for you:

  • Demographically: respondents were 75:24:1 male:female:rather not say. Average age of a respondent was 34.96 years; 80.1% were from the UK, 6.45% from the UK, and 1% or less from a large number of other countries. 79% were in full-time employment and 28% had children living with them;
  • Clocks and mobiles: 98% of them use some sort of alarm clock, 76% use their mobile as this alarm clock, and 85% of them have their phone visible from their bed;
  • Why they get up: 90% said for work, 17% to look after the family, 10% to get up with their partner (they could choose more than one category). Men were slightly more likely to get up for work (92.8% vs 82.22% of women), women slightly more likely to get up for their family (20% vs 15.83% of men);
  • Cost of failure: only 5% of respondents said it didn’t matter if they overslept. 72% rated it a medium level of problem or worse;
  • Sleep habits: he average respondent thought they needed 7.78h sleep a night and that they were getting 6.69h sleep a night. 52% are catching up on missed sleep regularly. 8% described themselves as “dog tired”, 72% at a medium level of tiredness or worse;
  • When they use alarms: no respondent used an alarm clock at weekends only. 81% use one on week-days, 29% use one every day of the week. UK respondents were slightly less likely to use an alarm clock every day (27.5% vs 37.84% for respondents from outside the UK). The average time an alarm is set for is 07:04;
  • Making mistakes: men are slightly more likely to forget to set an alarm (55.4% vs 46% for women), whilst women are slightly more likely to set their alarm wrongly (48.89% vs 43% of men);
  • How well it works: 28.78% of men and 42.22% of women don’t tend to get up when they planned to; 71% of respondents got up a while after the alarm goes off, and 42% snooze their alarm more than once;
  • Device ownership and use: 53.7% of respondents owned iPhone and 32% owned Android devices. At night 67% have their phone charging, 94% have it switched on, and 75% have it connected to their Wi-Fi at home. Men are slightly more likely to have their phone charging at night (71.94% vs 55.56% for women). iPhone owners are slightly more likely to have their device connected to their home Wi-Fi (88% vs 75% for Android owners);
  • Night-time rituals: 55% of respondents set their alarm around bedtime (immediately before, during or as they go to sleep). A surprising (to me) 40% use an automated repeating alarm feature;
  • Impact of children: people in households with children are slightly more likely to not get up when planned (33.33% vs 28.3%), get up a while after the alarm goes off (73.5% vs 64.15%) and snooze more than once (42% vs 39.6%) - but it’s not a significant difference.

Interesting stuff (for me, anyway!) and thanks to everyone who helped out - some of you will be hearing from me again. And my conclusions from this are:

  • As expected, the mobile phone and alarm clock are natural bedfellows;
  • Most people get up for work, with a sizeable minority getting up for the family;
  • Given that the alarm clock is the sole tool most people use to manage their sleep, it's surprisingly ineffective: most people are tired and have catch-up routines to manage this. Most people don't get up when they wanted to (as evidenced by multiple-snoozing behaviour and a direct question on this point);
  • Slightly iffy because the differences are quite slight, but in general men need help remembering to set the alarm at all, women need help setting it correctly;
  • It's reasonable to presume that the alarm clock is visible from the bedside, charging, turned on, and connected to Wi-fi;
  • Alarm-setting is either a bed-time ritual, or (for a surprising number of people) handled automatically by the clock itself using a repeating function;
  • There aren’t significant differences in the alarm clock-related habits of people living in households with children.

So, this - and a Google Adwords campaign I'm running to measure product interest from real people - is leading me towards a product which (a) is a great alarm clock and (b) helps its owner manage their sleep better, as well as getting up in the morning.