On The Road
October 01, 2010 | CommentsI've a little pile of speaking engagements over the coming months. Fill your face with me at these events:
- At the Brighton iPhone Creators get-together at the mighty Skiff on 19th October, I'm going to be talking about "Apps and live data", presenting some of the lessons we learned working on Roulette Cricket;
- I'm doing a delightful double act with Mr Ribot at DroidCon in London on 29th October, talking about our experiences growing software companies over the last 10 years;
- OpenMIC comes to Brighton on 4th November, and I'm going to do something unspecified for Chris & co. here;
- On 10th and 11th November I'll be at the FT Innovate 2010 conference in London, as part of a panel session "Mobile Innovation: Getting Smarter"
Vodafone Mobile Clicks
September 16, 2010 | CommentsA week or two back we learned that of the 50 UK entries to the Vodafone Mobile Clicks competition, two of the 5 country finalists selected from the UK were our customers: Touchnote and Roulette Cricket. I've not written about our work for Touchnote here because it's all a little hush-hush, but you'll find out more soon, I promise. Roulette Cricket is a 2nd-screen gaming app which lets you bet on cricket games as they happen, from your iPhone. You can read more about it here and here.
Getting to the UK finals was cause for celebration in the office, but we found out this morning that of these 5 finalists, it's Roulette Cricket who have been chosen to represent the UK in the finals of the competition. So congratulations to Dave, Simon and Stuart at RC for getting this far, and to the team here who've worked so hard on the app this year. The winner is chosen by a combination of a public vote, which I'd urge you to get involved with, and a jury round at PICNIC in Amsterdam. Fingers crossed :)
On a more personal note...
September 16, 2010 | CommentsOn a personal note, three things I've started doing recently:
- Inspired by Not For The Faint Hearted (née Write Club), every day I visit Flickr, find the top left photo on the 7 Days Most Interesting page, and spend 5 minutes writing a story inspired by it. I'm interested in constraints at the moment (Mobile Mountains was exploration of them in a worky context), and rediscovering a love of language which I shelved some time in my teenage years.
- I'm using Mappiness. Got an iPhone? Go grab it - it's a research project for the London School of Economics, looking at how people's happiness is affected by their environment. As a side-effect, you get to see charts of your own behaviour, and get a peek at the data their gathering (like the meters). I did a little talk covering these kinds of services at Mobile Web Summit last June: there's something really interesting about our growing desire and willingness to track our own behaviour, whether it's with Mappiness, CureTogether, Nike+, EcoDrive, or Wi-fi bathroom scales. And in the light of some of my recent antipathy towards advertising: I think that providing branded services which help us understand ourselves better is one of the few places where the ad industry can do genuine good.
- More of a stopping than a starting: after reading No News Is Good News by Dr Bramwell, I've given up daily news. I don't find this too difficult - I haven't had a live TV feed into my home in a few years now, and don't listen to much radio. Mainly this involves avoiding newspapers and online news sites. I cheat slightly by using Flipboard to read up on stories which my friends are discussing or find interesting. Correlation isn't causation, but I've been in a rather good mood recently. I'm going to carry on with the experiment.
Guardian Anywhere
September 16, 2010 | CommentsYay, we just passed a little milestone with The Guardian Anywhere, the free Android news-reading product we've been working on over the last year. We've passed the 20,000 download mark (20,430 to be precise), and a little birdie tells me that we've now distributed more than 450,000 copies of the Guardian to date. The reviews from users are positive, too; here's how our 540 customer reviews to date break down:
Oh, and T3 magazine have just reviewed it too, saying:
"The app is a revelation for those who have been browsing the ‘full fat’ version of the Guardian on their phone. Articles take seconds to load, images just a little more. Everything is laid out in an easy to read manner and the whole thing is a joy to use.
So we're pretty chuffed: we've learned a great deal about Android, and how to launch and support our own products. Where next?
We're looking to find a commercial home for the Guardian Anywhere now: to take the app and tie it into other publications. We expect this to be pretty straightforward: it consumes RSS, the standard for syndicating content online, and we've reworked and re-skinned the user interface of the product ourselves once already. Feature-wise it's very rich: we have customisation (letting users choose content they're interested in), some implicit personalisation, tight integration with social networking, and the core "offline" feature which lets you download content when your phone is plugged in and charging overnight, using your Wi-fi to avoid unpleasant phone bills.
So if you know of anyone who might be interested in licensing the Guardian Anywhere and using it themselves, please do pop a comment here or email me.
OverTheAir 2010
September 15, 2010 | CommentsAnother year, and another OverTheAir: it's my favourite developer-focused conference and hack day, and the organisers delivered yet another blinder. A small yet tasty slice of FP was in attendance: myself, Mr Hopper and Mr Hoskins.
Friday kicked off with a keynote from fellow Brightonista Aral Balkan, urging the audience to consider the importance of user experience and drawing on some lessons he's learned in launching Feathers and other apps. I found little to disagree with here, and hope that next year we can come back to the theme in more depth: teaching fishing over and above handing out fish.
I popped into a session Bruce Lawson of Opera was running on HTML5, straight after the keynote. All interesting stuff and a good primer. His notion that server-side device detection isn't the way to go rankled slightly, but a subsequent Twitter conversation with some knowledgeable folks led me towards thinking that - as often in mobile - the appropriate strategy is a messy mix of approaches: media queries are great for layout but still usually involve mobile browsers unnecessarily downloading large-form content or elements what won't be displayed, meaning you probably need some sort of server-side element too.
After that, I wandered over to the Open Plaques talk from Jez Nicholson: covering the project he's been working on to catalogue and expose the blue plaques which mark homes of historical significance across the UK. Despite (or perhaps because of) some technical hitches at the start of his presentation, I found it a delightful tale, which I suspect holds lessons for anyone attempting to digitize real-world data: the messiness of it all, the rights issues involved, the practicalities and the technical hurdles. Really good fun.
Lunch followed - the conference essentials, food and wifi, were both excellent - and then my favourite session of the day, Rethinking the Mobile Web by Bryan Rieger. Bryan has a track record of combining broad perspective with a really up-close understanding of implementation details, and the educationally slanted work he's been doing recently shone through in this presentation. Taking a look at mechanisms for delivering mobile optimised content, he dispelled a few myths and proposed a - what else? - mobile-first approach to site design which I couldn't help but agree with.
I popped in on Geoff Ballingers session on Connecting with the real world, but am afraid it didn't hold my attention. Geoff gave a good run through of ways and means to hyperlink the physical, but I was undercaffeinated and distracted by work-stuff during this one.
The panel on mobile and art which Bryan was running (and I was sitting on, as resident non-artist and representative of all things developery) followed. Good fun, we meandered around tooling and interfaces for artists. I have to confess that I found myself at odds with a few members of the panel over their division of the world into creatives and non-creatives - I've been quite inspired by the Joseph Beuys quote that "everyone is an artist" recently - but we didn't get too heated. And Bryan had even taken my dreadfully produced slides and managed to make them fit for human consumption...
Hacking followed. Doug, Thom and I worked on Dance Dance Evolution, a concept which combined a few things we've been thinking about recently: the use of genome data to seed a game (which I've been wanting to do ever since signing up to 23andme); web technologies to produce iPad apps; multiplayer gaming for tablets; and the theme tune from Treasure Hunt, which is as close as we come to a company anthem (it's a long story, trailing back to our trip to Shenzhen last year). Oh, and we directed Mr Hoppers sick caricature skills towards the OTA organisers.
Kudos to Doug, who - unlike myself and Mr Hopper - worked through the night, without a break, on the game. At 3am when I retired for a couple of hours kip on the floor of the main hall, the game was looking frankly ropey and we were sceptical that we'd finish. By 6am it was looking extremely smart, and by demo time we'd done nearly everything we set out to. Geek.com wrote about us, too.
The next morning kicked off with a talk from Pawan Gandhi of Nokia, on Ovi in emerging markets. It's a fascinating topic which would've benefitted from a less corporate presentation, I felt... and perhaps to an audience that hadn't deliberately overcaffeinated and sleep-deprived itself.
Tim Berners-Lee followed with his keynote, which I found quite disappointing. Whilst there was lots of agree with in the big-picture points he was making (yes, data should be open; yes, governments should publish data online), and the technical detail sounded interesting, I couldn't really see a line connecting the two. And I found the reaction of the audience on Twitter a bit bizarre - berating Pawan for poor slides, whilst applauding Tim for a presentation which seemed much less well-structured. In any case, I'd never seen him speak before, and it was a great score for the OTA organisers to have him there at all.
I missed the remainder of the talks that morning, as we finished off Dance Dance Evolution and celebrated with beer. Presentations followed, frantic as every year, with each team having 90 seconds to show off their wares. Dan kept time expertly, though it was a shame that such a short window precluded good demos of, say, SMS-based services. One team in particular had written a little chess game which looked fantastic, but was undemonstratable thanks to latency in SMS round-trips. Ah well...
Prizes! We were chuffed to win an xBox for the Best Game category, and Thom received a Most Fun award for a neat little doodling message app he'd put together. And then it was back to Brighton, for beer, sleep, and general recovery.
So, another fantastic year. A few times I had the impression that it'd been unusually stressful for the organisers, and I hope that we get to see OverTheAir run again. It's a fantastically fun, educational event that draws together the great and good of our industry and gives us a chance to show off, teach, learn, hang out, and generally celebrate mobile-in-the-trenches. Thank you, organising guys and girls :)
Write-up from el Reg here.