Prepare The Cage For Jeff Patton

October 21, 2008 | Comments

I've been reading Jeff Pattons blog (or rather, re-reading). There's so much good stuff in here it hurts:

  • On estimates: "Treat estimates given at the outset of a project as a budget for some possible solution, not as a bid for one specific solution."
  • On changing your products UI more frequently: "What would a design and development process look like that encouraged frequent small change to user experience?"
  • On agile product design and development: "This stuff is difficult. There isn’t an instruction manual to follow."
  • On getting design and dev working together: "If you want your product design and development to be effective, put someone on staff who's both a strong designer and technically capable of making design changes to the product directly."

I had the good fortune to meet Jeff at XP Day last year, wibbled at him and got some good advice. If I ever meet him again I'm going to drug him, abduct him, and keep him in a cage at FPHQ.

/me waves at Jeff.

By the way...

October 16, 2008 | Comments

...did you know we have a company weblog now? We're not so good when it comes to updating our main web site, so this'll be a good place to watch if you want to find out what we're up to...

A Year of Scrum

October 16, 2008 | Comments

So, Joh and I did our talk last night at The Werks - attempting to summarise experiences from the last year at Future Platforms, since we formally adopted Scrum for all our development processes.

I managed to get delayed slightly in London, and managed to arrive at Hove station a mere 3 minutes before we were due to start: oh the irony of arriving late when you're giving a talk about delivering products on time. But fortunately things were slightly behind schedule already and no-one seemed to notice.

The talk itself went OK; it was a rerun of, and expansion upon, a half-hour piece I pulled together for Barcamp Brighton a month or so back... and the Barcamp talk itself was a follow-on from one Joh and I gave at SkillSwap last year, summarising our experiences a week into Scrum. So I was pretty familiar with the material, although I made a point of adding in lots of (sanitised and anonymised) data from real projects we've been running.

My Adoring Public

There's far too much to go into here, and if you've been reading this site you'll have read quite a bit of it already. Plus I have to save *something* to say to people I meet in real life. But if you attended, you might find these annotated slides handy - I've taken the ones we showed on the night and added in a few notes here and there which might jog your memory on the points I was making as I went through them. Beware, for as a wise man says: if the slides make sense without my being there, there's no point in my presenting them; and if they don't make sense without me, you won't get much value from them. Caveat emptor :)

I was given an hour to do this skit, and with questions we ended up using just shy of two hours, which is the longest I think I've ever spoken publicly. With that warning in mind, if you'd like to chat about this sort of thing or find out more, do give me a shout: tom dot hume at future platforms dot com

Thanks to James McCarthy and Rosie Sherry for organising everything, to Joh for gamely keeping me on the straight and narrow once more, and everyone who came along for making it so much fun :)

MomoLondon NFC

October 14, 2008 | Comments

MomoLondon NFC: Victoria Richardson, Proxama Shows a video of phones touching other phones to a pumping techno soundtrack. Things happen when the phones touch other phones. Service discovery, payments, ticketing and access control are easily made accessible via NFC. But why? Brands and retailers are on the edge of the NFC world Smart Poster: dumb RFID chip. Benefits: trying stuff out, accessing links, and sharing stuff. Sounds like a good scheme for avoiding the burden of knowing about or entering links. For some reason, a Hajj-like image of keen consumers desperately trying to touch posters springs to mind. NFC ties into an infrastructure which already exists (hmm... the readers might exist but this doesn't imply we'll have access to the installed infrastructure) Claire Maslen, Head of NFC, O2 Telefonica Presenting some insights from the NFC trial O2 ran, and some areas of opportunity which - in hindsight - they didn't give enough attention. Trial: 500 O2 customers (prepay/postpay), lots of use cases (transport, payment, access control, smart posters). All using Nokia 6131. Results:

  • Encouraging positive reaction
  • 9/10 trialists happy using the technology
  • 79% said they'd like to use their phone to pay/travel in future
  • Convenience, ease of use, and status were factors in getting this positive response
More detail for transport:
  • 89% of triallists wanted to take this up
  • 67% said it was more convenient than Oyster card
  • 87% said Oyster support in-phone would make a difference to their choice of phone)
For Visa:
  • 68% wanted to use this in future
  • 41% felt it was faster than paying with cash (not sure how this is a good stat... most people still think cash is faster, no?)
  • 47% said it was an influencing factor in phone purchase
Customers appreciated the NFC applications, despite the fact that the 6131 isn't a high-end device. Hmm, it's almost as though customers want to do things, and that's more important than their phone or network... Panel discussion moderated by Mr Appelquist Victoria and Claire: John Hill: involved in Oyster for years, was responsible for original Oyster rollout. Founded iBridge James Anderson: product development for Mastercard. Steve Griffiths: runs IconMobile, works with Visa. Will be sharing the WPP perspective (WPP part-own Icon). Message so far: "NFC: It's Getting There" JA: It takes time to roll out hardware (in this case readers for merchants and RFID handsets for users). VR: Nice point about chip'n'PIN and NFC meaning customers keep control of their own stuff. DA: There's lots of info around the ease with which NFC/RFID can be hacked, particularly with active terminals. Is it safe? The panel seem to conclude it's safe. DA: What are the opportunities around third parties and brands? What's the long tail of NFC? VR: There are lots of enterprise apps out there. SG: It addresses 3 big topics: (1) simplicity (tapping the phone makes something complex straightforward)... We're thinking about the things beyond that tap and beyond the payment. (2) discovery of content (3) operator data + transactional data. I suspect (3) involves operators sharing way more data than they ever have. Questions NFC seems to be a great way of reducing the effort for consumers of interacting with advertising, but anyone with a phone can interact with an advert now with keywords and shortcodes. Isn't it a lot of infrastructure to roll out to smart posters, for little additional benefit (or some pain: sometimes it's nice not to have to touch a poster to interact with it) Do you think that the advertising industry wants its broadcast ads to be interactive and therefore more accountable? Do you think that the pain of sending an SMS is putting people off interacting now? Does the ad industry really want outdoors media to be accountable? The ad industry had a lot of trouble with SMS because it made all their unaccountable media accountable and the creative opportunities of 160 characters were so limited. Isn't NFC even more limiting? At this point I transferred my ranting to twitter. My takeaways:
  1. NFC seems to nicely reduce the effort in choosing to interact with physical spaces (e.g. for advertising response);
  2. It's going to be a good few years before it's out there in numbers worth bothering with;
  3. We'll need content sitting behind these "taps";

Trutap launches Hornet

October 08, 2008 | Comments

TechCrunch has a story on Trutap:

"And I think that while the world seems in love with the iPhone, the reality is that the biggest mobile applications market remains Java, so any application that can run across hundreds of handsets and is lightweight in download size has legs. The harsh reality is that most handsets, including most in the US, are terrible, so any app which makes the business of accessing social networks and IM over data easier is on to something. The very lightweight Trutap mobile protocol means is uses very low amounts of data so low bills are low as well. They have also been smart to stay away from VOIP, which means they can deal with operators. And the Trutap application really is great to look at."

We've been working with Trutap for a couple of years now, helping define, design and develop their mobile client. And Doug Richard (CEO of Trutap) and I will both be speaking at the upcoming Future of Mobile conference in November.

Mobile Industry Review also ran a little piece on Le Tap:

"He showed me a demo of the next version of Trutap — it’s going to be quite stunning. IM, Content, Social Networking — all aimed at the emerging markets (and India in particular). I think that kind of audience will eat up Trutap.

Part of the new roll-out — including this whizzy new client I saw — includes offering Trutap users the ability to subscribe to and receive content."

Watch this space :) We've got some fantastic stuff going on which we'll be able to show off soon...